The National Bank of Moldova revised the annual average inflation rate for 2017
The National Bank of Moldova revised the average annual inflation rate foreseeing its decline for 2017. This year, the consumer price index will be 6.5 percent versus 6.8 percent as predicted in the first quarter of this year. The data come from a new report of the National Bank.
"The April snowfalls of this year have affected the price category for fresh fruit and vegetables." We started the year with a major correction of the prices for the medical services, electricity, heating, hot water. The global energy prices have risen. Another factor that contributed to the increase of inflation in our country is that Moldova is an energy-importing country, " the Governor of the National Bank, Sergiu Cioclea, said.
As concerns the next year, the National Bank forecasts an average annual inflation rate of 4.4 percent. A minimum figure of 3.5 percent will be recorded during the last three months of 2018 and the early 2019. Compared with previous numbers, the annual average inflation rates are lower by 0.3 percentage points for 2017 and by 0,7 for 2018.