Three villages from Soldanesti district lighted from public money funding
They managed to bring the light on the roads from the locality, due to the projects financed from public money.It is about the mayors of three villages from Soldanesti district. The total cost of the works is over 1,7 million lei.
In June, 2016, the mayor of Sestaci village applied for a grand offered by the Nation Efficiency Fund. After six months, the LED light bulbs were installed on half of the streets from the village. The project was worth 800 thousand lei. A part of the sum was allocated by the City Hall. Iacob Guja, says he will try to find sponsors for the other half of the streets.
''It is a economical system, this is why it is very efficient. The costs are about 1 200 lei monthly'', said Iacob Guja, the mayor of Sestaci village.
''You can go to the bus station, can come home later and this is not uncomfortable anymore. Before, you stepped on each hole from the road'', mentioned a citizen of the village.
In Poiana village, the central road was lighted too. Now, they started to light other streets of the village. Nadejda Negruta, the mayor applied to a project financed by the Integration Bureau and obtained a 440 thousand lei fund.
''Between 1985 and 1990, the LED light bulbs were installed in the whole village. But, in 1990 till now, in 27 years, our village wasn't lightened'' said Nadejda Negruta, the mayor of Poiana village.
''It is dark. You can hit your head by a gate. The lightening of the village is a very good idea''. said a citizen of the village.
The Integration Bureau finances a lightening project on Alcedar village. Soon, over 1 300 citizens will be in safety while walking on the streets in the night time. The works cost 440 thousand lei.
''The budget of the City Hall had 157 thousand lei. Of course, if the Integration Bureau didn't invest, then we wouldn't have the lightened road now'', declared Fiodor Cepraga, mayor of Alcedar village.
''It is not necessary to have a lantern, anymore'', said a citizen of the village.
In 2016, many projects of this type were implemented in our country. In present, 72% of the villages from Moldova are lightened.