Transgaz will purchase Vestmoldtransgaz. Romanian company will provide Moldova with natural gas
canal tv
Within his meeting with Viorica Dancila, Pavel Filip announced that Romanian company, Transgaz purchases Vestmoldtransgaz.
"The companies with Romanian capital are the most. To develop common projects, we accepted to cooperate with the Banca Transilvania and Transgaz company. I want to announce that yesterday, on February 26, the commission for evolving privatization competition announced the result of the competition, where Transgaz became the winner. We should recognize that Transgaz Romania confirmed its serious intentions to provide the energetic security of Moldova.
PUBLIKA.MD reminds that Transgaz company requested to participate at the privatization of Vestmoldtransgaz company. The organization operates the Iasi-Ungheni tube.
The Public propriety agency sells Vestmoldtransgaz for 180 million ei which is equal with 8,8 million USD. The condition is to invest 93 million euros in the next two years.