US Embassy offers new grant to restore 17th-century church in Causeni
The Embassy of the United States in Moldova announced to offer a new grant of $380,000 to advance the conservation and restoration of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary Church in Causeni. US Ambassador Dereck Hogan and Culture Minister visited the church on this occasion.
"It seems very nice to me. We can see the progress of renovation work. I'm very impressed", said US Ambassador to Moldova Dereck J. Hogan.
The government is considering contributing financially to this project, but the amount is yet to be known.
"We will allocate in the medium-term expenditure projects but we will announce the exact plans after drawing up the budget project", Culture Minister Liliana Nicolăiescu-Onofrei said.
The inner of the church has plenty wall frescos, in the style of late school of Hurez (Romanian Country). The church is set into the ground – it is more than 3 feet (0.91 m) below ground level.
The Assumption of Our Lady Church
The Assumption of Our Lady Church (in Romanian: Biserica "Adormirea Maicii Domnului" din Căuşeni) is situated 80 km south-east of Chisinau. Some scientists believe that this church was constructed in XV-XVI centuries, while others allege that it appeared in XVII-XVIII centuries.
The Assumption of Our Lady Church