Veaceslav Ionita: Real estate market registered new phenomenon
The real estate market from Moldova has a tendency to improve. The prognoses were made by Veaceslav Ionita expert within an interview for Free Europe Radio.
According to Ionita, in 2018, 20.400 apartments were sold, while only in the first trimester of 2019, 21.000 apartments were sold. This thing was influenced by the loans. More and more people take loans.
At the same time, Veaceslav Ionita declared that a new phenomenon existing in Moldova is selling the individual houses.
"In the first semester of 2019, the number of the sold houses reached 6.500, in comparison with 7-8 thousand houses during the previous year. In half of the districts, the number of the sold houses was 7 times higher than in the previous year. This phenomenon could be explained by the thing that many Moldovans who are established abroad sell their houses here", said the economist.
Veaceslav Ionita said that the increase of the loans taken for the real estate depends on the citizens' incomes:
"In the first trimester of 2019, the average yearly salary exceeded 4.040 Euro. The raise took place on the increase of the national currency", said Ionita.