Vladimir Cebotari: businessmen who breach law will have the possibility to correct their mistake
Within the last edition of Fabrika, Vladimir Cebotari, the Minister of Justice said the businessmen who encroach the law involuntary will have the possibility to correct it.
The official said that according to the law of businessmen's abuse, the project of law is analyzed very carefully, to avoid any misunderstandings.
"We analyzed the project of law and requested the advise of the affair sphere. I can say that till the present moment, nobody could find any tabs, they didn't find it", said Vladimir Cebotari, Justice Minister.
"It is the time to realize that we should recover the business sphere, through recovering the state and its reforms. If the state comes to help the entrepreneurs, then it will be much easier", said Alina Andriuta, founder of Angry Business.
Vladimir Cebotari mentioned that in case the business institutions will make abuse of control, then, those will be forced to compensate the damages of the economic agents.
"If the control institution registers some damages, then, we will repair those too", said Vladimir Cebotari.
The project of law according to limiting the abuses that come from the entrepreneurs will be approved by the Government and then, it will be debated by the Parliament.
The number of control institution was reduced from 70 to 13, this autumn.