Who are new deputy mayors of Balti?
Balti city has two deputy mayors. Nicolai Grigorisin, one of the mayors who will be responsible of the municipal household is a relative of Renato Usatii.
Grigorisin is a military and till 1997 he evolved his activity on Russian Federation. Ghenadie Smulschii will hold the deputy mayor office on economy and trade. The man replaced Leonid Babii who resigned at the beginning of this week. Smultschii couldn't present an action plan of his new office. He avoided to talk about how prepared is he to fulfill this function.
"-Do you know the state language good enough?
-I think we will understand each other both oral and written", said Ghenadie Smulchii, deputy mayor of Balti.
Serghei Iordan, adviser and lawyer of the City Hall considers it to be illegally naming of the deputy mayors in the absence of Renato Usatii, the mayor of Balti.
"When the project of law were discussed in the specialized commissions they didn't address to the mayor", said Vitalie Balan, the chief of the Judicial Section of the Balti City Hall.
PUBLIKA.MD reminds that at the beginning of January, Igor Seremet, the former interim of Balti resigned, because of the garbage issue.