Who controls family budget in Moldova? Economic abuse started to be punished in Moldova
The women who are subjects of economic abuse in family should explain how they spend each coin. In 2017, the General Police Inspectorate registered two cases of economic violence in family. In reality, those number is much higher, but many of the victims are afraid to talk about it.
Lidia Buju, a 59 year old woman from Sadova village, Calarasi district is retired. The woman says that even if she was employed before being retired, she have never managed the money, because her husband was always taking her money and didn't permit her to spent them on anything.
-He forced you to tell how do you spent the money?
-Yes, of course, all our family problems started because of money. When we had money, everything was fine, but when the money were over, the problems were about to be started."
The woman also said that she lived 37 years being persecuted, but she didn't dare to announce about it to the police. She struggled with all these because of the children.
"Our children and the police should not have known what happens in our family. I was hiding it all the time. I am thankful to God that he died and nobody counts our costs", said Lidia Buju, citizen of Sadova village.
Other women say they didn't have such problems in their families because the family budged was managed by them.
"I don't have such problems, because I manage the budget of the family. My husband never does it. He doesn't have the right to do it, he only can ask for some money on cigarettes."
"I was always doing whatever I want with the money."
"We had a place in our house where we were keeping our money. We were putting them there and when we needed money, we were taking from that place."
The last year, 40% of the 470 beneficiary of the Women's Rights Center complained they are victims of economic abuse. In such cases, this is hard to be proved and the aggressors are not punished.
"The article No.201 says that the economic violence is punished only if it caused some traumas to one of the family's member. In such cases, the first prof is the medical expertise", said Daniela Josanu, lawyer.
In our country, the economic violence is an encroachment since September 2016. During the last year, the General Police Inspectorate registered two cases that arrived in the instance. A young man was accused because he took the pension of his mother, while another one after he obliged his girlfriend to explain her costs.
"This form of domestic violence is the most widespread. The victims are afraid to contact the police in such cases", said Ghenadie Neamtu, the chief of the Public Security Direction.
This type of violence is punished with 180 hours of community work or three years in prison.