Without street counters in the Capital! The removal of kiosks has started
foto: publika.md
Several merchants in the Rascani sector of the capital remained without shelves. Municipal authorities have begun evicting the illegally installed kiosks after the owners of the tons have still neglected the City Hall's call to dismantle them. Until the end of the week, only 12 booths will disappear from the intersection of Moscow Street and Stundent's Street.
Upset by the authorities, some have shed their emotions on our shooting team.
"- Do not touch me."
"You do not touch me."
"I did not touch you.
" "Why do you assassinate us? Why do you put your hand on the microphone?
" "Do not touch the room".
With or without the owners, by the end of this week, there will be no booth at the end of the trolleybus 10.
"Here is to be arranged the territory in a unique context, such as in the Meson Park, the roundabout which is already arranged and lateral to the residential blocks to be arranged in the same context", said Nicolae Balaur, the Praetor of the Rascani sector.
For the evacuation of a kiosk, the municipality spends between 2,500 and 8,000 lei, depending on how large the galley is. The economic agents can recover their tones only after paying the demolition expenses borne by the municipality, plus 12 lei per square meter as a storage fee.
"Unfortunately, many of them who consider that the boots which have been evacuated can not be used any more, but this payment remains." The legal service of the Racicani sector price deals with this permanent. requests to sue for the purpose of recovering material damage", said Roman Andries, Vice-Praetor of the Rascani sector.
At present, there is no regulation that provides for the destruction or sale of a booth if the authorities do not find the owner. So some kiosks have been in store for more than seven years, and their fate remains uncertain.
Upset by the authorities, some have shed their emotions on our shooting team.
"- Do not touch me."
"You do not touch me."
"I did not touch you.
" "Why do you assassinate us? Why do you put your hand on the microphone?
" "Do not touch the room".
With or without the owners, by the end of this week, there will be no booth at the end of the trolleybus 10.
"Here is to be arranged the territory in a unique context, such as in the Meson Park, the roundabout which is already arranged and lateral to the residential blocks to be arranged in the same context", said Nicolae Balaur, the Praetor of the Rascani sector.
For the evacuation of a kiosk, the municipality spends between 2,500 and 8,000 lei, depending on how large the galley is. The economic agents can recover their tones only after paying the demolition expenses borne by the municipality, plus 12 lei per square meter as a storage fee.
"Unfortunately, many of them who consider that the boots which have been evacuated can not be used any more, but this payment remains." The legal service of the Racicani sector price deals with this permanent. requests to sue for the purpose of recovering material damage", said Roman Andries, Vice-Praetor of the Rascani sector.
At present, there is no regulation that provides for the destruction or sale of a booth if the authorities do not find the owner. So some kiosks have been in store for more than seven years, and their fate remains uncertain.