Zinaida and Sergiu Stefanco from Ucrainca village, Causeni district started a business after they got some sheep at their weeding. The two benefited of a grant worth 13 thousand Euro from the EU.
Sergiu Stefanco started his affair ten years ago, but only starting 2017, he modernized it due to European funds.
"This business provides us good living conditions here. The grant that we receives was very useful. We have changed our equipment, because it is made of inox", said Sergiu Stefanco, winner of the grant.
"We were both students in Romania. When he returned he changed his working field", said Zinaida Stefanco, wife.
Now, his household produces 70 kilos of cheese per day.
The farmers use an old receipt for making chese.
In the Republic of Moldova there are 1.000 farms owners.