Public institution from Vulcanesti destroyed by rain
Instead of preparing for the winter holidays, they are afraid of the ceiling not to fall over them. It is about the employees of five institutions from Gagauzia where the roof is under repair works. Even if the money for the works were allocated this summers, the works started a few days ago.
According to the local deputies, this happened because of the delayed auction of the Executive Committee, as they hardly found a company that would like to do the works.
The cultural house from Carbalia village, Vulcanesti where the bibliotheque is was flooded after a strong rain. 7 000 books were affected after that, as the bibliotheque doesn't have another place to keep them.
The director decided to disconnect the light and gave up the repair works for the winter holidays.
"This is the state of my cabinet. In this night, the ceiling almost fell", said Eudochia Dermenji, the director of cultural house from Vulcanesti.
The deputies from the Popular Meeting from Gagauzia say the roof stay uncovered for a couple of weeks. At the same time, the company that does the repair works has an unserious attitude and the workers of the left the site.
"They started the repair works, but, anyway the building is broken, because of the rain. Nobody is on the site, the company doesn't work", declared Valentin Gaidarji, deputy of the Popular Meeting from Gagauzia.
"The company doesn't work correctly, they should have covered the roof, but they didn't have the required tools and materials. Before canceling the contract, the company should eliminate all the consequences, but I am not sure how are they going to do that, said Nicolai Raia, deputy of the Popular Meeting from Gagauzia.
People from the village are angry because of the state of the building. They won't have a place for a concert or any other cultural manifestation.
"The repair works were made with their own forces and I am very sad the ceiling is about to fall."
"Those who started the works should be responsible for it, to make them in time."
A similar situation will take place in the Children House of Creation from Vulcanesti town. Because of the unfinished works, the water flows through the ceiling and affects the floor and the walls of the building.
"The chairs were affected, even if those weren't in a good state. Now, we are obliged to renounce on the New Year concert", said Tatiana Cerneva, the director of the Children Creation House from Vulcanesti.
Other cultural objects from the surrounding also have such problems.
"The money were allocated on June 14, but the works started on November, in the rain season. The works were made very late", said Serghei Cernev, deputy of the Popular Meeting from Gagauzia.
The administration of Vulcanesti district say the repair works started late because of the bureaucracy.
"We started the preparation in August. The documents were prepared in two months. The contracts were made at the Treasury. We can't prove the works started late, as the rains started in summer", said Boris Jelez, the deputy President of Vulcanesti district.
This problem arrived at the Parliament too.
"I think that the Executive Committee of Gagauzia is the guilty one in this case. At the same time, we should solve the problem with the company who does the repair works. I am worried about the way the money from the national budget are lost", said Corneliu Dudnic, PDM deputy.
Vadim Ceban, the deputy chief of the Executive Committee of Gagauzia declared for Publika TV that those problems appeared from the guilt of the entrepreneur who started the works that late.
The spokesmen of the company say they will finish till the end of this year.