18th century church book was found by customs officers in a bus headed to France
Impressive discovery at Sculeni customs. A church book, old of over 300 years, was almost taken illegally from the country in the luggage of a bus passenger.
The case was registered in the evening of 27 july 2016, when the customs officers were checking the luggage of the passengers of a bus heading to France.
The book is from 18th century and is a patrimonial treasure.
It has a cover of claret color, with the inscription “Missale Romanum”.
The book was in the luggage of a 36-year-old man, and was sent to the National Museum of History for valuation.
The case is investigated by the specialized services of the Customs Service.
church book, customs, customs officers, Customs Service, illegal transportation, luggage, National Museum of Historytoate TAG-urile
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