Details in the case of girl from Drochia who suffered of kidney failure
The young from Drochia district who died the last days by the kidney failure didn't have a surgery. The doctors say that Nicolina came at the hospital on October 21 at 6 am. The girl was going in Chisinau, to the Center of the Mother and the Child, where she was having a treatment, but she started to feel bad on the way and they went to a hospital from Balti.
''When they came to us we found out she has a macerated wound. This means the skin became thiner and she had a 0,5cm wound that was eliminated a transparent liquid without smell. We evacuated two liters of liquid'', said Tudor Bouros, a surgeon from the Municipal hospital.
The doctors say after the girl received the help she was supervised for two more hours. When she left the hospital she was in a good condition.
''She didn't require a surgery. We just evacuated the liquid from her abdominal cavity. With a normal pressure and pulse she and her relatives went to Chisinau'', said Serghei Rotari, the director of the Municipal Hospital from Balti.
However, the prosecutors don't belive the docors and they wait for the expertise to prove their sayings. Also, there was started a penal case for the encroachment of the medical assistance, that is punished with five years in prison.
''At the moment, we wait for two medical expertises. Girl's grandmother said she doesn't have any claims for the doctors'', said Oleg Rusu, prosecutor.
The girl's mother died because of the same disease. Nicoleta Bulas was living with her grandmother.
''She was living with me and I raised her from my pension'', said Mila Fotic, the grandmother.
Even the relatives suffer, they said they won't claim at the Prosecution.
''I think that the doctor from Balti would have stopped us for a couple of hours to give her some pills. We knew that Nicoleta suffers from a hard disease. I won't claim at the Prosecution'', said Marina Bucatari , the cousin of the girl.
On Friday, Pavel Filip discussed the case within the session of the Commision for Emergency Situation. He was shoked about this case and requested punishment for the persons who didn't have the required attitude un this case. At the same time, the Government will support the costs of the funerals.
The 20 year old girl died the last night at the Emergency Hospital from the Capital. According to the doctors she didn't have a chance to survive.