
All the roads that lead to the exit from the country will be rebuilt capital. The money will be earmarked from the Road Fund, and in the first phase, the sections in advanced degradation will be repaired.

It is the road leading to the "Larga-Kelmenţ" Customs District with a length of 5 km, the route to "Unguri-Bronniţa", 6.3 km and the road linking the Giurgiulesti-Reni and Giurgiulesti crossing points - Galati "over a kilometer.

"It's about filling the pits and the equalization layer to improve the road plan and creating additional bands for waiting trucks," said Deputy Head Directorate "Roads and Bridges", Radu Rogovei.
Toate drumurile care duc spre ieşirea din ţară vor fi reconstruite capital. Banii vor fi alocaţi din Fondul Rutier, iar în primă fază, vor intra în reparaţii tronsoanele aflate într-oi stare avansată de degradare.

Este vorba despre şoseaua care duce spre Vama ”Larga-Kelmenţî”, cu o lungime de 5 km, traseul spre ”Unguri-Bronniţa”, de 6,3 km şi drumul care leagă punctele de trecere ”Giurgiuleşti-Reni” şi ”Giurgiuleşti - Galaţi” de peste un kilometru.

"Este vorba despre plombarea gropilor şi stratul de egalizare pentru a îmbunătăţi planetatea drumurilor şi crearea unor benzi adăugătoare pentru staționarea camioanelor în aşteptare", a spus şeful-adjunct Direcţia "Drumuri şi Poduri", Radu Rogovei.

The worst road is Larga Customs.

"It is quite damaged and makes the means of transport to bypass the nominated post. Transport units are quite rare, we have transport units more on holiday days or on Saturday, Sunday," said Deputy Head North Office Veaceslav Juraveli.

In order not to break their cars, drivers prefer to bypass this post and go to Otaci or Criva.

"They motivate that it would be better to stay in a row for two, three or even four hours, but to go on a much better road. Compared to last year, we have a double airflow, so we have increased the number of staff, said the head of the Criva customs post, Dorin Popovici

"It's really bad, it's easier here, it's better and faster."

"To the other I prefer to go around here, yet it's bad. It's ruining cars, that's a problem."

"Everybody wants to choose a better way because car investments are great today."

Repair works will begin in the spring and authorities hope to complete the project by the end of 2018.

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