border police
The Border Police no longer checks the vignette. The decision was taken to streamline cross-border traffic by reducing the control time of the documents needed to cross the state border. This activity, as well as other topical issues, featured in the agenda of an operative meeting convened by Border Police Chief Fredolin Lecari.
The discussions took place as a result of Prime Minister Pavel Filip's provisions on the continuous assurance of the cross-border traffic flow.
Considering that winter holidays will end in the following period, border traffic increases will be maintained, especially the exit from the Republic of Moldova caused by the large number of border guards who go to work abroad.
Poliţia de Frontieră nu mai verifică vinieta. Decizia a fost luată pentru fluidizarea traficului transfrontalier, prin micșorarea timpului de control al documentelor necesare la traversarea frontierei de stat. Această activitate, dar și alte subiecte de actualitate, au figurat în agenda unei ședințe operative, convocate de șeful Poliției de Frontieră, Fredolin Lecari.
Discuțiile au avut loc și urmare a dispozițiilor premierului Pavel Filip privind asigurarea continuă a fluidizării traficului transfrontalier.
Având în vedere că în perioada următoare se încheie sărbătorile de iarnă, se vor menține creşteri ale traficului la frontieră, în special pe sensul de ieșire din R. Moldova, cauzate de numărul mare de conaționali care pleacă la muncă peste hotare.
In order to avoid crowding, it is reiterated the recommendation to passengers to cross all existing border crossing points so as to prevent the overloading of only some of them.
In this respect, the Border Police came with the proposal, which was supported by the representatives of the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, to develop several road signs to guide and inform people about the access ways to some crossing points.
The necessity of their installation has come as a result of the analysis of the situation in the Common Criminal Mortgage Crimp-Mamaliga, where intensive traffic is often recorded, although nearby are Larga-Kelmenţ PTF and Briceni-Rossoşani PTF, which do not signal a higher flow. The reason is that the GPS navigation system selects the nearest crossing point with Ukraine, but many of the travelers are unaware of the access routes to these two crossing points.
Another initiative under discussion is to supplement the number of functions in Leuşeni PTF. The latest statistical data shows that year-on-year the number of people crossing the border through the Leuşeni PTF is 5.5% higher, which would condition the need to increase the border police staff to cope with the influx of passengers and the maintenance regime.
Fredolin Lecari highlighted the importance of providing a pro-active communication mechanism with neighboring border services, in particular the directive on simplifying control procedures and synchronizing actions at joint crossing points.
Also, use all the control arrays (entry / exit) as well as the application of special equipment for document verification to maximize the capacity of the crossing points within their configuration.