Svetlana Cebotari: On November 1 will take place the last pension recalculation
This autumn will end the reform of the pensions system. On November 1 will take place the last recalculation for people who resigned between 2014 - March 31 2017. Therefore, beneficiaries will receive increased pensions.
This subject, as well as multiple other aims were spoke by Minister of Health, Labour and Social Protection, Svetlana Cebotari, in an interview offered for Moldpres.
The official mentioned that pensions will be equitable for all beneficiaries, because the system was created for everyone.
"Deputies, members of the Government, public servants, officials, they all have their pensions calculated based on the same formula and method. The system is for all. Already, each citizen contributes monthly and daily through work done to the social insurance fund" Minister of Health, Labour and Social Protection said.
At the same time, Svetlana Cebotari mentioned that the hospital reform, that will following be implemented, does not foresees any institution from the country closing down. It aims to improve the quality of offered service and make them more efficient.
"How can we speak of quality services when, for example, in a regional center the maternity ward brings into this world 20 children. How good can the doctor be if they don't gain much experience? It causes the quality to decrease" Svetlana Cebotari said.
At the moment, it is unknown how much will cost the hospital reform, but all 71 medical institutions from the country will be included.