Transgaz: Iasi-Ungheni-Chisinau gas pipeline will be ready in first half of 2020
The announcement was made after the Moldovan press wrote that the Iasi-Ungheni-Chisinau gas pipeline would be operational only in 2021.
According to a press release of the company "Transgaz", until the completion of the project "Developments of the National Transport System in the North-East area of Romania in order to improve the supply of natural gas to the area and to ensure the transport capacity to / from Moldova" (finalization year 2021), the transport capacity through the NTS of natural gas existing in Romania and the Iasi- Ungheni - Chisinau gas pipeline, to Moldova, will be 1.5 million cubic meters / day.
And after the completion of the mentioned project, the transport capacity from Romania to Moldova will be raised up to 2.2 billion cubic meters / year, as agreed with the Moldovan government authorities, respectively up to 6 million cubic meters per day.