Cervical Cancer Prevention Week launched by Health Ministry in Moldova
The Cervical Cancer Prevention Week has been launched by the Ministry of Health in partnership with UNFPA, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and other partners.
The campaign runs from January 28 to February 3.
Around 20 organizations joined their efforts to raise awareness of disease prevention. They are from medical community, international partners, civil society, the private sector, as well as religious leaders, interpreters, citizens at all ages and genders.
Accordingly, a series of activities will be arranged during this week: information sessions and public lessons at health centers, community libraries, businesses and private companies, church, and penitentiary institutions.
Cervix screening is done every three years at a family doctor. Women aged 25-61 can take free tests, including those without medical insurance, as a simple and painless procedure .
Every day over 700 women in the Republic of Moldova take the screening test.
However, about 4,000 women in our country are diagnosed with cervical cancer.