Children will benefit of better hospital conditions. Pediatrics section of Emilian Cotaga hospital was renovated
The children who suffer of metabolic disorders and malnutrition will live in better conditions. The pediatrics section of Emilian Cotaga hospital was inaugurated, after it was renovated. The space was equipped.
The parents say that the quality of the medical services has changed since the working conditions are better.
"I like it. It is clean. We have hot water."
"The furniture is new. We feel very comfortable here."
Larisa Antoci is a doctor who works for 27 years in this section. She says that it is very important for the patients to feel good in the hospital.
"Even the mood is better when you come to work", said Larisa Antoci, dorctor.
The chief of the pediatric section say that the renovation was necessary, as for 15 years nothing has changed.
"The walls were damaged, the floor too. Now, everything looks different", said Ala Jilvacovschi, the chief of the pediatric section.
Over eight hundred thousand lei were spent to renovate this section.
"We have 65 sections and a third of those were repaired", said Sergiu Gladun, the director of the Institute of Mother and the Child.
"The Government is conscious that the conditions from the health sphere should be on a high level", said Svetlana Cebotari, the minister of Health.
"Our target is to have a high quality medical service", said Valentina Roaru, PDM deputy.
In Moldova there are over one thousand children who suffer of slow development or malnutrition.