Russia's leader Vladimir Putin is looking forward to strengthening ties with Moldova and Bulgaria 24 Noiembrie, 14:50
Romania's Iohannis hopes Moldova's president-elect won't change change bilateral relations 24 Noiembrie, 14:15
NATO countries appalled at Russia's plan to deploy missiles in Kaliningrad region 22 Noiembrie, 16:58
Most car accidents in Europe happen on Bulgaria's roads. Romania is first to follow 19 Noiembrie, 14:54
Johannes Hahn assesses as constructive informal meeting of EaP Foreign Ministers in Yerevan 18 Noiembrie, 09:49
Moldovans may be required to fill out a form and pay 5 euro in order to enter Schengen Zone 17 Noiembrie, 18:01
Romania’s largest online retailer to hire 500 extra people for Black Friday event 17 Noiembrie, 16:22
Foreign Ministers of Eastern Partnership countries meet in Yerevan for informal reunion 17 Noiembrie, 15:28
Bulgarian PM Boiko Borisov resigns, as pro-Russian candidate wins presidential poll 16 Noiembrie, 11:42
Corruption seen as big problem by respondents from Europe to Central Asia. Moldovans, most concerned 16 Noiembrie, 11:09
Romania, Ukraine express willingness to cooperate with Moldova, after Socialist elected president 16 Noiembrie, 09:19
Pro-Russian, Socialist-backed general, given as winner in Bulgarian election: -- Exit Polls 13 Noiembrie, 20:41
Klaus Iohannis: Romania's union with Moldova is possible, but not in the near future 10 Noiembrie, 16:22