Justice Minister Fadei Nagacevschi contracted COVID-19
Justice Minister Fadei Nagacevschi announced on his Facebook page that he contracted COVID-19. Nagacevschi said that he was feeling well and was being treated at home.
"In the meantime, I find out that a "political drone" accuses me of not solving the problem with an insolvency administrator, who "does besspredel" in some insolvency proceedings.
Dear Sir, Amateur accuser!
Be aware that administrators in lawsuits are appointed by judges. Issues related to insolvency proceedings are resolved in court and not in the MoJ.
It is easier to make incompetent accusations than to study the law and defend your rights according to the rules of law.
It has become an unhealthy trend when all those who shout that they want a "rule of law" completely neglect the rules of law and demand political intervention in the act of justice.
Especially for them I specify: MJ is responsible for policies.
Justice is done in court "Fadei Nagacevschi wrote on his Facebook page.