Manifesto in Chisinau. People wish for Republic of Moldova to unite with Romania (Photo)
A demonstration is taking place in Chisinau, people wishing for Republic of Moldova to unite with Romania. Thousands of Romanians arrived to Chisinau to participate at this event, organized by the Unionist Action Platform 2012.
On March 27 will mark 100 years since the union of Bessarabia with Romania. On this day in 1918, the National Council gathered in the Parliament from Chisinau. Moldovan leaders Daniel Ciugureanu and Ion Inculeț, along with all members of the Government and Romanian prime-minister at the time, Alexandru Marghiloman were present at the gathering.
After flared debates, the officials proceeded to vote. Representatives of national minorities, 30% from the 150 deputies, requested anonymousness, later refused to vote, or voted against. It resulted that 86 deputies voted for the union, 3 voted against, 36 did not vote and 13 were absent.
Therefore, from all Romanian lands that were under foreign rule, Bessarabia was the first to reunite with Romania, being followed by Bukovina and Transylvania. By the end of 1918, all countries united forming Kingdom of Romania.