Moldova runs surpluses and accumulates finance reserve of 1.2 billion lei
Moldova managed to accumulate a reserve of over 1.2 billion lei in first nine months of this year.
This budget surplus allows the government to review its spending plans and increase funding for some investment and social projects.
According to the Ministry of Finance, total expenditures from the national public budget amounted to 37.2 billion lei. At the same time, revenues of 38.4 billion lei were raised, 1.2 billion lei more than the corresponding period last year.
The largest surplus was recorded in local budgets and the state budget with over 440 million lei respectively. In the case of medical and social insurance budgets, surplus incomes were almost 190 million lei and 90 million lei individually.
Economists say the revenue surplus will allow the Government to be more flexible in funding projects.
"The surplus offers Government to maneuver flexibly. In this regard, I believe that the Executive will have the opportunity to invest in more projects by the end of the year, depending on the priorities of its policy," said economist Viorel Gîrbu.
The government forecasts that the trend of budget revenue growth will be maintained in the coming years as a result of economic growth and business environment dynamics.