OSCE AP urges Russian Federation to fully withdraw it's armed forces from the Republic of Moldova
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The Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE urges Russia to completely withdraw it's armed troops and munitions from Moldova's territory.
This is stated in a declaration adopted within the XXVIII annual session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, that took place in Luxembourg, reports INFOTAG.In the document is mentioned, especially, 'the necessary to ensure the complete retraction of the Russian Federation armed forces and munitions from Moldova's territory and transforming of the actual peace-making operation into a civil international mission'.
The document's authors recommend 'the intensification of the discussions aiming concrete results within the convened formats in the conflict solving field'.OSCE AP reiterated it's 'steady support for complete, peaceful and durable solving of the conflict in Moldova, based on the sovereignty and integrity territorial principles within it's internationally recognized borders, underlining the importance of the '5+2' format, which is the only mechanism to reach a durable and vast regulation, greeting the achieved progresses and urging the sides to ensure the full implementation of the assumed engagements and to take supplementary measures for the people's life improvement'.
OSCE AP urges the sides of all the conflicts from the post-Soviet territory to begin the negotiations 'conscientiously, without preliminary conditions, to reach a vast and durable peace, fully respecting the territorial sovereignty, integrity and inviolability of the internationally recognized borders of the Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Republic of Moldova'.
Previously, the Committee for political and security affairs of OSCE AP adopted a resolution aiming to ensure Crimea's liberation and retracting of the Russian armed forces from Ukraine.