Parliament of Moldova prepares for Museums at Night. What awaits the guests
In the Parliament's square will be held an exposition with pictures of the children who participated at the "EU sunt EUropa" ("I am EUrope") competition, where pupils from the country participated. Within the competition students shared through pictures what it means to be European.
At the same time, people will have the chance to see Parliament's collection of antique cars. The ZIL 41047 and CIAIKA GAZ 14 vehicles were used in the past to transport high-ranking officials, being used by former Presidents Mircea Snegur and Petru Lucinschi.
Visitors will also see a few films, reflecting the Parliament's history, the legislative process and the Parliament's activity. Guests will also enjoy a photograph exposition "Parlamentul în 27 de file" ("Parliament in 27 files"), that includes the photos accredited to the Parliament.
The event will unfold on Saturday, May 19, 2018, in front of the Parliament, between 19:00 - 22:00 local time.
The Parliament's museum was inaugurated on May 23, 2017, at the initiative of President of Moldovan Parliament, Andrian Candu.