Pavel Filip announced that pupils will be taught a new module starting September 1, 2018
Starting September 1, 2018 pupils will have a new class - digital education, as part of the technology education study. The announcement was made by Prime Minister Pavel Filip, who participated at Moldova ICT Summit.
Prime Minister highlighted that IT instruments are the base of developing all fields, causing it to be crucial for the young generation.
"IT industry, education represent the future of Republic of Moldova. In the Information Age, education is meant not only to gain knowledge, but also to offer children the chance to study and discover themselves, producing a generation capable of creation, generations filled with creativity, cleverness and out-of-box thinking" Pavel Filip said.
Prime Minister reiterated the importance of reviewing the school curriculum, so that children will be more adapted to live in the Information Age.
Ministry of Education, Culture and Research is currently elaborating a digital education module, part of the technology education, which will be taught to all pupils from 1st grade, starting September 1.
At the same time, to prepare teachers, at Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University will be launched pilot projects, which foresees the creation of training centers supplied with latest equipment.
"Investments in education are not cheap, true, but we must understand that it will cost us more if those investments are not made. We know this, the Government wishes to offer all the necessary support, which will following be felt" Prime Minister added.
Chief of Executive spoke of Moldova's Digital Strategy 2020 - development of It infrastructure, of the digital content, of digital competence and ensuring cyber security.
Another important document is also the Strategy for increasing competitiveness within the IT industry. Here, the first IT park of Moldova and Tekwill Center were launched. In the future, a few more such centers are planned to open in Bălți and Cahul, as well as another one in the Capital.
Prime Minister specified that the elaboration of regulations and policies in the IT field is difficult, as the sector is rapidly developing.
"Do not wait for the Government to bring into force new regulations and policies, continue following your inspiration and implement every idea" Pavel Filip said.
This year, Moldova ICT Summit 2018 is attended by 400 participants. The event is organized by Moldovan Association of ICT Companies, in partnership with Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure and Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, with the support of United States Agency for International Development and Government of Sweden.