Pavel Filip reactions on ASEM professors detained for bribery
Six professors from the Academy of Economic Studies (ASEM) have been detained for a serious corruption file. The suspects would have taken bribes from the students to promote them to the exams.
The case came to the attention of Prime Minister Pavel Filip.
"I did not think that the biggest corruption is in education institutions or hospitals. They are the bigger corruption we need to work with.Regarding this event, we don't talk about bribe but the future of the Republic of Moldova.
We have spoken, one of the basic pillars with justice is education and we are very aware of this.
We can change the legal framework so that we are attractive to investors, to build factories, offer us jobs, but it's more efficient to invest in education for Republic of Moldova, to provide us education, better next generation who will build more factories and offer more jobs, so Moldova will be richer.That's why I do not look through the bribe or the sums of money that they perceive. It's simply about the future of our country. In such a manner the future is destroyed and it looks like a stain on those working hard and honestly in the education system", said Pavel Filip, Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova.
Prosecutors have started several criminal cases for passive, active corruption and trafficking of influence. If they are found guilty, suspects risk up to seven years in prison.