Project of new buses in Chisinau postponed, auction was contested
The endowment of the buses park with 13 new buses was postponed. Even if a Romanian company won the auction, it was canceled, because of another opponent company.
The employees of the buses park from Chisinau say it becomes more difficult to work on the old ones, that causes troubles daily. The citizens of the Capital say they can't wait for the new trolleys to be brought.
At the auction participated three companies. According to Iacob Capcelea, the chief of the trolley park from Chisinau, the Romanian company had the best offer. One of the companies of the auction showed its disapprove according to the contest.
''I contested the results of the competition, because the company that won mistaken some of the parameters that influenced the final score. We don't have objections according to the transport unities'', said Iacob Capcelea, the director of the Buses Park.
The National Agency for the disproof has 20 days to announce if there will be another auction or the company who won will bring the trolleys.
A bus from the company that won was tested for a whole month. The motor and the gearbox are German.
The vehicles has a 12 meters length and 28 seats.
Anyway, till the problem will be solved, the drivers of the buses will use the old ones.
''Some mornings, 70 buses start from the park and other two routes 10 vehicles come in the park again. This happens because those don't resist. For example the ones of MAN of ICAR model, that are used for already 30 years'', said Pavel Racinschi, a driver.
''The buses are old and rusty. They got defected every day. Everyday I should go and repair it'', said Nicolae Vulpe, driver.
People say that it would be better if the buses were replaced with new ones.
''Sometimes, in the winter time, the heat doesn't work and it is very cold inside. It would be amazing if they replaced the buses.''
''In the old buses is very dangerous. It would be better to have new vehicles. There is a lot of dust in the old ones.
31 million lei from the municipal budget were allocated for the new busses. In the Bus Park from the Capital there are 135 vehicles.