Romanian inventor created money sterilizer apparatus
Money will be washed of infections and bacteria. A Romanian inventor created an apparatus for cleaning the money. The system is useful to reduce the viruses and bacteria. People can get acne, diarrheal diseases, staphylococcus and so on. Doctors recommend to wash hands more often.
''The most dirty thing on the earth is money. We should be careful with them'', mentioned a woman.
''I sow how the conductors spit on money, the same happens in markets'', said another woman.
Doctors say the money transmit pathogenic infections. People can get pneumonia, diarrhea and flu.
''On the bank-bote's surface, there can be found the koch bacteria that causes the tuberculosis. Besides the bacteria, there are a lot of pathogenic microbes as: aureus, pneumococ, streptococ, enterobacterul'', said Vitalie Patrasco, epidemiologist.
Even if the money can transmit infections, the money, none of the Moldovans asked to verify the bank-notes.
''There isn't a method that could show us how to verify'', said Luminita Suveica, director of CSP Chisinau.
Some of the inventors wanted to solute the problem of dirty money. In Romania, a man created an apparatus of money sterilization. Thus, in only 35 seconds the microbes are destroyed from the bank-note's surface. In the apparatus fit 50 bank-notes.
''The apparatus is composed of a money counter, a UVG lamp that produces ozone. The system is working perfectly'', said Remi Radulescu, the Romanian inventor.
This apparatus is useful for banks and big companies that work with money. In home conditions, this should not be practiced. The doctors recommend to wash hand more often.
A research made in 12 countries proved the money that are used in Europe contain around 26 000 bacteria, while a coin has more bacteria than the cover of the toilet.