Survey: Citizens of Moldova believe referendums to be a waste of public money
Citizens of Moldova are against a referendum to cancel the uninominal voting system in the parliament, suggested by some Non-Governmental Organizations and Parties, people believe it is a waste of public money and a useless idea. According to a survey made by IMAS, people believe that all populist referendums, which fails, should be made at the expenses of those who initiated them.
45% of citizens are against the organization of a referendum against uninominal voting system. Less people support it. At the same time, over 60% consider it a waste of public money.
According to people who participated in this survey, politicians use referendum, which brings no results for citizens, to create publicity for themselves. Still, some believe that as long as all law are respected, a referendum must be accepted as part of the democratic system, for people to be heard.
Citizens of Moldova are against the usage of public money, meaning the citizens money, to organize referendums. Most agree that if a referendum fails, due to negative results, or not enough people attending, all expenses must be made on the account of those who initiated it. 80% of those questioned have heard that the referendum to dismiss Mayor of Chisinau, Dorin Chirtoacă, failed due to the small number of people who voted.
The study was conducted between November 27 and December 7, 2017, on a sample of 1101 people from 74 localities in the country. The margin of error is three per cent.
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