Taguri: BEM case Orhei mayor Ilan Şor to stay month more under house arrest. His message for Usatii Fabrika analysts: Veaceslav Platon, number 1 raider of CIS, is an important spy in BEM case American media:Gofman case -a part of manipulation operation coordinated by Russian secret services Balti town businessman risks imprisonment for one million Euro loan from BEM Alexei and Mihail Gofman are involved in robbery at Banca de Economii Alexei Gofman might be called to Anti-corruption Prosecutor's Office for hearings Mihail Gofman's brother, Alexei Gofman, was councillor of BEM president Grigore Gacichevici Prosecutors request 30 days of preventive arrest for Orhei mayor, Ilan Shor 1 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ IMPORTANTE ALTELE