Taguri: European Championship Moldovan kayakers Maria Olărașu and Daniela Cociu conquered silver medal in European Championships Moldova won three medals at Balkan Championship Pride for Moldova! Vitalie Bunici won silver medal in European Fight Championships Evolution of Moldovan fighters at European Championships among amateurs Moldova national futsal team has outstanding performance in European Championship preliminaries Chinese oracle monkey predicts Trump's victory in U.S. elections Moldovan team lost against Denmark in preliminaries of 2017 European Championship Seven Moldovan judo players to perform at European Championship Moldovan Vladislav Rusu becomes ping pong European champion National team of beach football has got its second consecutive win EUROPE AMAZED! Biggest success in their careers for two Moldovan archers Croatia beat Moldova 1-0, in preliminary of European Championship 1 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ IMPORTANTE ALTELE