Taguri: judo Which Judo fighters will compete in the World Championship in Japan? Moldova's Judo fighter Dorin Goţonoagă won gold in U23 Vlad Plahotniuc personally congratulates 73-year-old Judo champion Mihail Malear with victory Moldova hosts international Judo tournament 'OLEG KRETSUL CUP' Judo fighters from Moldova preparing for Zagreb Grand Prix Moldova Judo team partaking European Championship to be set up Eugen Matveiciuc's Success Story: I was mocked by training colleagues Moldovan fighters at the European Cup: Cornel Andries ranked fifth Premiere in Moldova. Judo lessons to be taught in schools Seven Moldovan judo players to perform at European Championship Defeated Egyptian judo fighter refuses to shake hands with Israeli rival Moldovan judo fighter Sergiu Toma has won bronze medal for Arab Emirates Judo fighter Valeriu Duminica has a new partner for sparring 1 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ IMPORTANTE ALTELE