Taguri: money embezzlement Moldova law-enforcers raid auto dealer Former general prosecutor Valeriu Balaban to stay behind bars for power abuse Anti-Corruption Center: 19 -- suspected, 3 -- detained in probes on embezzling EU money Searches conducted all over the country in files on embezzling European funds Sergiu Cebotari continues to assault and offend journalists after his release from preventive arrest ASITO is obliged to fulfill its obligations towards its clients Mihail Gofman's brother, Alexei Gofman, was councillor of BEM president Grigore Gacichevici A former BEM employee was sentenced to 12 years of jail for money embezzlement Prosecutors investigate alleged EMBEZZLEMENT of money allotted to carry out 2014 census 1 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ IMPORTANTE ALTELE