Turkey offers more authorizations for goods export from Moldova
The Republic of Moldova and Turkey signed the protocol of the mixed commission regarding the international transportation, that provides supplying the number of authorizations for goods transportation in our country. The document was signed after the session of the mixed commission in the road traffic sphere, that took place in Ankara. The president of the Republic of Moldova commission is Serghei Bucataru, the state secretary of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Economy.
Within the Moldo-Turkey commission, the parts discussed about the majority of the authorization for transportation of goods from Moldova to Turkey.
Another subject that was discussed by the both sides was the proposal to change the agreement regarding the international transportation between the Republic of Moldova and Turkey in order to liberalize the bilateral traffic.
"We convened to start fining the intergovernmental agreement and we want to realize it as soon as it will be possible", said Seghei Bucataru.
The bilateral relationship in the sphere of the international road and goods traffic between Moldova and Turkey are established on the base of the intergovernmental agreement signed on May 3, 1994 in Chisinau, that provides to liberalize the traffic.