YELLOW WARNING of thunderstorms and blizzards
The forecasters have extended the Yellow warning of thunderstorms and blizzards for today too. The Warning is extended for the hours 13:00 – 21:00.
According to forecasters, in the second half of the day are forecasted short-time rains with thunderstorms, some places blizzards in gusts of 15-20 m/s.
In case of heavy storms, forecasters inform:
- the quantities of water accumulated can lead to flooding of households placed in lower areas (base of slopes);
- on some rivers and small water courses are possible local increases of water level, some places with water flooding out;
- drainage network may get blocked;
- may happen landslides, mudding and bending of crops, vegetables
- appearance of the aquaplaning phenomenon may lead to losing control of the direction of the vehicle.
Is recommended:
- to build water captation and conduction channels;
- to clean drainage channels;
- to avoid driving in easily-flooded areas;
- to adapt the speed of the vehicle to the road conditions
- for economic agents to ensure the good state of the dams, in which subordination are lakes and water basins.