Moldova's National Museum of Art will open its renovated building in October
The restoration of Moldova’s National Museum of Art will be completed in late October. the one million euro grant wast offered by the Romanian Government today.
Gheorghe Bulat is the architect author of the renovation project.
Contacted by MOLDPRES, the director of Moldova’s National Museum of Art, Tudor Zbîrnea said that the building has retained its 1901year architectural elements under the project of restoration, when the building of the former gymnasium for girls was put into operation, founded by Princess N. G. Dadiani.
According to him, the facade of stone and red brick of the museum has preserved its original appearance, and the windows and front door were made of hardwood. In total, an area of 1783 square meters were restored in the interio. After restoration, art exhibitions will be inaugurated downstairs and upstairs rooms.
"The structure was made to strengthen the masonry structure of iron. In the museum spaces, advanced systems of surveillance and fire-extinguishing have installed advanced systems. I also installed a smoke exhaust system in case of fire, the first of its kind in Moldova. The renovated space will have a cafeteria and a bookstore, where they will be sold souvenirs and replicas made in the workshops of the museum" , said Tudor Zbîrnea.
The restoration of the building of Moldova's National Museum of Art started in 2005 and lasts almost 12 years. According to the director of the institution, it could have lasted another 25 years if the Romanian grant was not awarded.
"The Romanian government has promised to help us in the second phase of renovation of the building - an area of 1,500 square meters behind the facades and roofs of the building and two annexes, built in the 50s, respectively in the 70s of last century" , said Tudor Zbîrnea.
After opening the building in November, the exhibition of the late artist Mihai Grecu will be opened, 100 years after his birth.