Deplorable condition of hospitals treating Covid-19 patients in Straseni
The entrance of hospital is through the toilet and bathroom, where the hygienic norms are not very observed, said a recently discharged patient.
According to the hospital director Ioana Şoimu, there exist some problems but it's impossible to solve them since the workers refuse to work in a hospital for COVID-19 patients.
"To enter the salon, first you go directly into the toilet," said the patient.
The toilet is clogged and the smell is unbearable.
"I can't understand here, the toilet is clogged, the water is flowing on the floor, we can't go to the bathroom, look, everything is flowing on the floor ."
The same situation is in the bathroom.
"Dirty water flows in a pot, it flows in the pot and when the pot is full I have to go and empty it. This means that we wash our hands as often as possible, these are our conditions. "
Ioana Şoimu told us that she was not in the section where the patients with COVID-19 are hospitalized, as the danger of contamination is high, but she promises to investigate this case.
"I've been in office for a month. I've been alamost everywhere but I can't tell you exactly how bad the problem is".
Moreover, Şoimu claimed that the condition cannot be improved so easily.
"We will investigate totally but we will not be able to change anything at the moment. There are patients with COVID-19 in that section ".