World Bank to provide Moldova with US $ 2.8 million for investment climate reform
Moldova will benefit from non-reimbursable technical assistance from the World Bank for investment climate reform.
It is about 2.8 million US dollars, money that will be used to increase market competitiveness of the private sector and stimulate agricultural exports by opening the EU market for animal products and strengthening the export capacity of the horticultural sector.
The Foreign Policy and European Integration Commission approved the advisory opinion on the initiation of negotiations and the approval of the signing of the Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the International Finance Corporation.
The agreement also provides for the consolidation of the food security system in the Republic of Moldova, including laboratory capacities, IT systems, the transparency of the private sector by creating the Depositary of financial statements.
The activities within the project “Investment Climate Reform in the Republic of Moldova phase II” will be implemented by the end of June 2023.