Cervical cancer, threat to women'lives, detected quickly as Chisinau hospital equipped modern microscopes
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canal tv
Cervical cancer are detected quickly thanks to modern equipment which Republican Medical Diagnostic Center in Chisinau received.
Three microscopes and other accessories, which can detect cancer and precancerous cells at an early stage, were bought with 21,000 dollars, money provided by the Romanian Development Cooperation Agency.
In the Center's Citology Laboratory, about 60 Pap smears are analyzed daily. German equipment will provide more precision, experts say.
"The technique is excellent, the optics - of the highest quality, the German optics is the dream of any cytologist. It has high resolution, clear image, contrast, good illumination of the visual field," said Svetlana Corotaş, cytopathologist.
"We receive biological materials from all over the country and analyze them to identify the stage of cervical cancer. It takes two weeks for results", said Tatiana Cuzneţova, head of the Citology Laboratory.
According to the Ministry of Health, each year approximately 350 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer and 160 women died of cancer. Pap test is recommended to prevent this disease.