Five mobile 'guard' stations installed within perimeter of Bender and Varnița only in one month
In January this year, five cases of abusive installation of mobile "guard" stations were attested within the perimeter of the localities of Bender and Varnița. Subsequently, the blockade in displacing the military observers on the spot and in discussing the violations is maintained by the Transnistrian party's exponents.
The topic was discussed at the working meeting of the Joint Control Commission in Bender.
On the basis of a collective address of the citizens from the villages of Coșnița, Pârâta, Doroțcaia and Pohrebea, the Moldovan delegation submitted to the parties an approach aiming at the functioning of the posts of the Joint Pacific Forces located on the banks of the Nistru river near the town of Vadul-lui-Vodă. It was mentioned that making a decision to relocate, redevelop and resubordinate these stations will make the free movement of the population more efficient and reduce the risk of escalating the situation in the central sector of the Security Zone. The document will be reviewed in the next sessions.
During the meeting, the Reports of the Joint Military Command regarding the situation in the Security Zone for the periods 22 - 28 January 2020 and 29 January - 4 February 2020 were approved.