Moldovan smokers rocked by shocking messages and images on cigarette packets?
Half a year after prints of shocking messages and images on cigarette packets, calls to the green line of the Republican Narcology Dispensary are slightly up, writes
However, sellers say customers don't give up smoking although they complain that the icons are too harsh and have to choose cigarette packs with less shocking images
The icons on cigarette packs now cover 65 percent of the pack's surface.
Specialists say the calls to the Green Line of the Republican Narcology Dispensary are on the rise.
"Approximately 160 people were approached in the green line, and 300 people died in 2017. 260 people renounced smoking and benefited from medical treatment and psychological treatment," said psychiatrist-narcologist Aliona Ovcearenco.
According to official data, over 27 percent of Moldovans smoke. Most of them suffer from diabetes, cirrhosis, liver cancer, cardiovascular or respiratory diseases.