Problems identified by inspectors during unannounced inspections in pharmacies
Pharmacies in the country are checked by the authorities if they comply with the obligations pricing and provision of medicines. Unannounced inspections began this week and are conducted by Medicines Agency inspectors.
So far, employees have established that pharmacists offer more expensice drugs with the same effect even if there are cheaper drugs in the stock.
In one of the capital pharmacies the list of subsized drugs and their social importance was not displayed in plain sight.
Inspectors checked if prices were regularly applied.
"Deviations happen. We have some discrepancies in the brand name or the producer. So all this is discussed. The results will be in the informative note", said Inspector Dorina Florea.
Under the legislation, pharmacists are required to provide all types of drugs made from the same active substance to buyers.
People say, however, that the rule is not always respected.
"We will insist that the pharmacist to comply with rules of drug delivery through checks, penalties, withdrawal of activity license" , said Chief Inspectorate of Pharmacy, Gabriela Jeleznii.
The inspections began after Prime Minister Pavel Filip urged the problem solution addressing the lack of drugs in pharmacies.