Superior Council of Prosecutors greeted five new members
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The Superior Council of Prosecutors (SCP) has five new members. Of the 632 prosecutors in office, 573 prosecutors were present at the today's General Prosecutor's (AGP) meeting, and the candidates who won the most votes to join the CSP are:
- Inga Furtuna, a prosecutor at the Combating torture within the Criminal Investigation and Prosecution Division of the General Prosecutor's Office (473 votes);
- Andrei Rosca, chief prosecutor of Rezina Prosecutor's Office (411 votes);
- Adrian Bordianu - Chief Prosecutor of Criuleni Prosecutor's Office (377 votes);
- Angela Motuzoc - Deputy Assistant Chief Prosecutor of Chisinau Prosecutor's Office (331 votes)
- and Constantin Şuşu - Prosecutor at Sangerei Prosecutor's Office (297 votes).
Under the new Law, the mandate of elected members of the SCP is 4 years, and the same person can't be SCP member for two consecutive terms.
Prosecutors elected as SCP members shall also be removed from office during their term of office, and the period of activity as a SCP member shall be included in the professional prosecutor's service.
The mandate of the new Superior Council of Prosecutors will begin immediately after the expiry of the mandate of the current SCP on 19 December 2017.