What document do drivers from transnistrean region need if they travel abroad
Starting today, the transport units from the transnistrean region of Moldova with neuter matriculation number are allowed in the international traffic.
The matriculation plates started to be released on September 10 at the offices of the Public Services Agency from Tiraspol and Rabnita. The numbers have three letters and three numbers. When they get the matriculation plates, the drivers receive a passport and the MD sticker is applied on the vehicle.
In order to cross the state border, the drivers should present the matriculation certificate of the car, the driving license, the Green Card and other documents that provide the traveling abroad.
In the last period, many achievements have been made on the transnistrean field: the diplomas from the region are accepted in Moldova, the farmers have access to the lands from Dubasari district. The Government allocated 15 million lei for schools, kindergartens, and aqueducts from the left bank of Nistru.
"Only by making concrete steps we will manage to unite the both banks of Nistru. Our actions target to improve the live quality of our citizens. We will keep doing it. This means reintegration", said Pavel Filip.