Special arrest sector. Offenders with mental disorders could stay in hospital
Persons with mental disabilities could stay, during pre-trial detention, in a specially adapted section. The initiative belongs to the Ministry of Justice and came after the detainee Andrei Braguta, who had mental disorders, died in the penitentiary.
According to the project, mentally ill people who have broken the law could be held in custody in a psychiatric hospital section. Here, the suspects will be supervised by doctors and guarded by law enforcement. In order to put this initiative into practice, a working group was set up, comprising representatives of the Ministry of Justice, prosecutors and representatives of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Health.
"One of the recommendations of this group at the Ministry of Justice is that the existing provisions of the law should be enforced at the level of the application, to identify the possibility of the Ministry of Health to organize and establish such a space. It's important that these spaces work effectively, "said Anatolie Munteanu, Secretary General of State.
Some psychologists believe that people with mental deficiencies should not be placed under preventive arrest but treated in specialized clinics.
"I would prefer to spend money on training policemen, prosecutors and judges," said Gholamali Mohammadifard, a psychologist.
The cost of the building is estimated at four million lei.