Turkey stays tough on not allowing German officials to visit military base on its territory 05 Iunie, 16:51
POLL: Party of French President, projected to win wide majority in next month elections 01 Iunie, 18:55
Emmanuel Macron denounces LYING PROPAGANDA of some Russian media at joint press conference 30 Mai, 15:17
MEP Knut Fleckenstein: European Union will further provide financial assistance to Moldova 25 Mai, 10:01
France's newly-elected Emmanuel Macron will meet Angela Merkel first thing after inauguration 12 Mai, 16:26
EVIDENCE on involvement of former Finance Minister Veaceslav Negruta in auction on biometrical passports 12 Mai, 13:49
Unconditional support: Romania will continue to openly support Moldova’s integration into European Union 05 Mai, 11:30